Proud Father of the Bride Speech ideas

Whether you are struggling to think of pertinent things to say or have so many things to say you’re not sure where to start, no problem. Here’s a set of questions from a professional speech writer that might unlock memories or inspire some jokes or heartfelt lines for your proud Father of the Bride speech.

Light-hearted moments about your daughter

  • You’re about to leave the house: what could take place during the time it takes your daughter to get ready? Making a cup of coffee or painting the Sistine Chapel?
  • Your daughter goes shopping – is she a laser-guided missile that homes in on the desired item or does she try everything on?
  • Was she accident-prone as a child? Did you need a loyalty card for Accident and Emergency?
  • Was her bedroom wall covered with posters of a favourite actor or pop star? Are you sill recovering from over-exposure to Justin Bieber songs?
  • Her school reports – were there any amusing teachers’ comments? Could you quote one?
  • Were you Dad Cabs, always taking her to friends’ houses or concerts?
  • Was there a first incident with alcohol that was notable? Has she ever touched that type of drink again?
  • Dreams and ambitions – did your daughter want to be anything notable: a ballerina, an astronaut, Mrs Daniel Radcliffe?
  • Party time – did you trust your daughter to hold a party in the family home? Are you still discovering empty wine bottles behind the sofa?
  • Work – does your daughter’s job have its seeds in anything she used to do as a young girl? A hairdresser who was always playing with her doll’s hair? An accountant who was good with her pocket money?

Light-hearted moments about your son-in-law

  • Do you support different football teams? Perhaps this is the nearest he’ll ever get to Top Table.
  • Did he ask your permission? Was he more nervous than a man on roller skates carrying a china tea service?
  • Would you like to offer him marital advice but don’t feel it’s appropriate on such a happy occasion!

Heartfelt moments

Once you’ve added a sprinkling of humour to the speech, the more sentimental moments will have an even greater effect. But what precisely to say? Here are some more ideas.

Your wife or partner

  • Is there an achievement in your relationship you’d love to share? Is it the birth of your kid(s), a business you’ve built together, the length of your marriage?
  • What has she been like as a mother?

Your daughter

  • Your daughter has been nominated for an award and you’re asked for one line that sums up her greatest qualities. What would you say?
  • Is there an achievement of hers that stands out? It might be a qualification or just her choice of wonderful friends.

Your son-in-law

  • So, how did you first meet him and what were your first impressions?
  • Does he have qualities that are very different from your daughter’s that make them a great team?


  • Do you wish to share any memories of the day she was born?
  • As she grew up, were you involved in any big milestones? Helping with course work, swimming or driving lessons, etc.
  • And, finally, how proud do you feel on the occasion of your daughter being married? Wonderfully, incredibly, unbelievably …


As you can imagine, this is just a selection of potential questions. You have a lifetime’s worth of memories, so keep asking until you get the answers you’re looking for. You’ll soon find you’re awash with great Father of the Bride speech ideas.

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